This beef cheat sheet is an amazing reference,especially for those of us who haven't been cooking since birth.
Monday, October 18, 2010
How to cook beef
Posted by Pro on 2:42 PM
making life easier
This beef cheat sheet is an amazing reference,especially for those of us who haven't been cooking since birth.
gnammmmmmm :OOO i love beef!
I love bbqing me some tri tip.
suppin and clickin
I'm hungry all of the sudden :D :D
mmm i love beef.
beef is the best
Err, I'm hungry all of a sudden.
Now i'm starving
Good information my friend
mmmm hungry
you sir are a gentleman and a scholar
i had to read it all the way through. good stuff!
mmm... beef...
well now i feel like eating a nice juicy steak...
i need beef now :S
Will tell my mom!
Now if I only had a grill I would totally make some steak haha.
Why thank you. This will help me with my hamburger helper tonight.
I'm not good enough to cook beef, not even with this information :P I'm such a terrible cook! :O
mmm yea id like a stake now
I'm loving all of your protips! :D I feel like more of a pro at life every day!
I did try some tips from here ! thanks :D :D
Whenever I go to those Steak restaurants and they ask me what cut I want I just point and say, "that one." heh.
Thanks, now I won't look stupid when I'm hungry.
I just had beef =]
Wow this is pretty good definitely saving and reblogging
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