The ECA stack is a potent central nervous system (CNS) stimulant. The ingrediants work together synergistically, their combined effect is much greater than the effect of the individual components alone. The effects of the stack are: a major decrease in appetite, thermogenesis (creation of heat), which causes the body to burn more calories; and increased fat burning.
The ECA stack is very effective in combination of exercise and healthy diet in aiding in weight loss and fat loss in particular. It is a great way to help lose those extra pound, keep them off during the winter or for slimming down when bodybuilding.
Ephedrine is only banned as a dietary supplement , meaning it cannot be marketed for weight loss. Ephedrine itself can be bought online or at the gas station, but the cheapest and most simple way to get it is buying it in the form of Bronkaid or Primatene
both which should be available at your local pharmacy or Walmart. You can buy generic caffeine
and aspirin
anywhere for just a few bucks.
25 mgs of ephedrine and 200 mgs of caffeine are the central ingredients of the stack, the aspirin helps the effects last longer.Most people suggest taking 325 mg of aspirin ( a normal aspirin) but I suggest taking a baby aspirin instead to lower the chance for side effects.
When it all comes down to it your going to be spending about half of what you would on most popular commercial weight loss products.
Take this stack 2 times a day and cycle 3 weeks on 1 week off.
Simple right?
DISCLAIMER :make sure to do your research and I am not responsible it you take 208230389038409384309mgs of ephedrine and have a heart attack
Friday, October 29, 2010
DIY ECA STACK (ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin)
Posted by Pro on 9:14 AM
I've always been interested in trying this, this is very helpful.
thanks for the info!
Well, ephedrine is banned in my country. Then again, interesting info.
saved this page. will be looking into this.
Interesting read. I need to cut down on caffeine.
Great to know, I just ain't fat.
very interesting article!
Despite what you said at the end, if I die it's on you man ;)
Hmm. Looks like a Weezing to me :/
Very cool, was not aware that the chemicals could bounce off each other and get an even better effect!! I wish I had the balls to try it, but I am afraid I'll die, lol!
This is definitely relevant to my interests. Thanks. ;)
Thanks man, could do with loosing my love handles lol.
great info :)
this is good advice
I'm actually going to give this a try. I'm pretty sensible when it comes to supplements, but I could use a cost-effective CNS stim.
I guess all the food crazies are now astonished... but keep in mind that this can be dangerous and lead to heavy side-effects! Use at your own risk.
Very interesting info
pretty impressive!
very good read, great job dood
Cool post!
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